
How to uninstall tor browser in windows
How to uninstall tor browser in windows

Find the option of Add/Remove Programs, then search the Tor installer and all. Note that your operating system’s standard "Uninstall" utility is not used. Click the Windows start menu, then choose the Setting, click Control Panel. On Linux, there is no default location, however the folder will be named "tor-browser_en-US" if you are running the English Tor Browser. Note that if you did not install Tor Browser in the default location (the Applications folder), then the TorBrowser-Data folder is not located in the ~/Library/Application Support/ folder, but in the same folder where you installed Tor Browser.

  • Locate the TorBrowser-Data folder and move it to Trash.
  • Then type ~/Library/Application Support/ in the window and click Go.
  • To navigate to this folder in Finder, select "Go to Folder." in the "Go" menu.
  • Note the Library folder is hidden on newer versions of macOS.
  • how to uninstall tor browser in windows

    Go to your ~/Library/Application Support/ folder.Move the Tor Browser application to Trash.

    how to uninstall tor browser in windows how to uninstall tor browser in windows

    The default location is the Applications folder. Delete the Tor Browser folder or application.Locate your Tor Browser folder or application.Removing Tor Browser from your system is simple:

    How to uninstall tor browser in windows