
Bluestacks qooapp
Bluestacks qooapp

bluestacks qooapp

You will need to register an account and download the qoo app itself. To get started, you will want to visit on your Android device. But I don’t actually know how safe this is – so please understand you are accepting some risk in using this service. Please Note: I have no idea how safe this is… I have not had any issues but I am not responsible for anything that may happen to your account or your device… Qoo App claims to personally verify every game on their site and be virus free.

bluestacks qooapp

I had used Qoo App before on Bluestacks to download some games so I was familiar already with the service. And Google has this weird policy where you can only change your country once every 365 days… I could in theory make about 365 different Google Play Store accounts – but there’s a much faster and easier way that allows you to download Japanese Google Play Store Apps without needing a VPN like Tunnelbear and without creating a 2nd Google Play Store account and without having to change your country. I did so, and was able to download a few Japanese games no problem… but somehow inexplainably, a few hours later, without me doing any thing at all to my phone or new Google account, my country had changed to the United States. I found a tutorial of how to use Tunnel Bear VPN and create a 2nd Google account and change your country. When I got my Google Pixel 3 a few weeks ago I researched how to install games such as Idol Million Live. There are many tutorials out there for how to play Japanese Google Play Store Apps on Your (non-Japanese) Android Device. Affiliate links within this post may be commissionable.

Bluestacks qooapp